Wednesday 17 September 2014

27 People are not happy with hot sexy Eva Mendes giving birth to child of Super Hot Ryan Gosling! FUNK!

Eva Mendes, Ryan Gosling

When news broke that Eva Mendes had given birth to Ryan Gosling's baby, the world fell into two camps: those who were really happy for the celeb couple for bestowing their gorgeous spawn upon the universe and those who were so freakin' pissed that Ryan Gosling had a baby with a woman who wasn't them.
We get it. Ryan Gosling is the ultimate dream guy. Handsome. Funny. Sensitive. Handsome. And when it was first announced that Eva was pregnant with his child, the world had to accept the fact that he was very off the market and that he would never get back together with Rachel McAdams. And then everyone forgot about them for a while and went back in the cozy world of denial.
But today, reality gave the world a cold and rough slap to the face. Eva and Ryan had a baby together, and these 27 people are really not thrilled about it:

Ryan Gosling has a baby and it's not with me.

Ryan Gosling is a dad. I'm sad and mad and like wtf Eva Mendes???? But also happy for them

Honest to god forgot that Eva Mendes was having Ryan Gosling's child and now my entire world is crashing down around me again

Nobody can understand how sad I am that Ryan Gosling is now a father to a baby that isn't mine.

sad cuz Ryan Gosling is a dad

So Ryan gosling has had a child. But. I'm not the mother. Something is wrong

What is Eva Mendes anyway..

Noooooo Ryan Gosling has a baby and it's not mine!!!!!!!!

My hope for Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams rekindling their relationship is now shattered bc Ryan has a child. It's a sad day.


Ryan gosling and Eva Mendes had their baby ughh how perfect

But on the plus side, Ryan Gosling is now officially a DILF.
Ryan Gosling GIF

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