From Ariana Grande to Tom Cruise - Video Interview & SlideShow
Singer Ariana Grande miffed Australian media with her demands and diva behaviour on Monday during a promotional visit for her album My Everything. But how does she stack up in the annals of diva behaviour?
While Ariana's antics fall into the category of difficult interviews, she is no worse than what entertainment and celebrity reporters deal with most weeks, faced with that uneasy truce between people who would rarely meet in their normal lives. But reporters need stars to tell stories, and stars need the publicity to spruik their film, show, album or book. If one of them is having an off day, things can go wrong quickly.
Ariana is no worse than the star who hangs up the phone when asked a difficult question (come on down, Filipe Rose from the Village People) or folk singers who think they are so dreamy they can stroke a female interviewer's hair (we're talking to you, Angus Stone). Or perhaps the little-known comedian who demands he will only be interviewed in character (hello, Djovan Caro). Then there's the no-nonsense rudeness of the likes of Welsh actor Rhys Ifans, who last year told Janice Turner from British paper The Times "I am bored with you", and walked off mid-interview.

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